Here's how
we tend to
do things...

Here's an insight into how we tend to work

our process

We're keen to make sure we know every little thing about your business or event to enable us to highlight and advise on the best options available.


First, the discovery phase - we'll sit with you, find out what your current thoughts and feelings are and we'll consider how we can support you through photography, marketing and more.


Following the discovery phase, we'll go away and put together a plan of how we'll achieve what we discussed in the discovery phase.


Once we've agreed the plan, we'll start putting things into action, if we're helping you with marketing, we'll get working on the agreed actions. If it's photography, we'll make sure we're ready for the day.

behind every
great project...

Andy is an experienced marketer, with over 5 years working with household brands, SMEs and charities alike.
With Google & Microsoft Accreditations, a BA Hons in PR and Media and nearly a decade of work as a photographer, designer and videographer, Andy's skills can help you acheive your business goals.


Here are just a few of our valued clients.

Have a project
for us?

Contact us and we’ll send you a brief form to fill.
Then we’ll contact you within 24 hours.